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Legacy Training


The desire to remain in step with economic, social and technological change and stay competitive in the marketplace has turned the requirement for the training and retraining into paramount issues for employers and employees alike.

A large percentage of the South African population is unskilled, the number is too great for the formal education system to bear. Organisations, therefore, have a responsibility to contribute towards the effective education, training, and development of their employees and thereby, help counter national illiteracy.


Here are some macro factors affecting training in South Africa:

•Population Profile

•Education Levels


•The Supply and Demand of Labour

•Technological acceleration



Training in South Africa is also regulated by these legislations: 

National Qualification Framework (NQF) Act

South African Qualification Authority (SAQA)

Quality Councils

Professional bodies


Training in the Workplace is regulated by these legislations, All training service providers need to be compliant and be accredited with the SETA/ QCTO's in order to offer any accredited training programme/ course and qualification in the workplace:


The Skills Development Act 97 0f 1998 (SDA)

Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs)

Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999


As an organization, we offer a wide range of customized training and workshops to small businesses and organization. We offer almost 100 Customized Training programmes that are presented and facilitated by our Accredited Professional Facilitators.


So if you are a small business/ organization and you would us to provide you with  Professional Development specialists to help your organization to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization by providing technical and professional training. Give us a call on 074 173 8108 or send us an email to 


To view the list of all our customized training programmes with detailed outlines, just click on the links below:

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